Milan, 2022-03-09
The only valid and legitimate Vitézi Rend (The knightly Order of Vitéz) and therefore duly included in the Register of Orders of Chivalry among the semi-sovereign orders, edited by the International Commission for Orders of Chivalry amongst other institutions of a chivalric character (successors of chivalric institutions originally founded under the authority of a State) is that which is registered in the Kingdom of Sweden in the same way as the Orders of the Royal House of Sweden and is presided by its Head, H.I.& R.H. Archduke József Károly von Habsburg-Lothringen, Royal Prince of Hungary, who, by being Head of the said Vitézi Rend, guarantees the seriousness and utmost consideration of the Order. International Commission for Orders of Chivalry does not recognise any other organisation which purports to have any connection with the Vitézi Rend or uses the name Vitézi Rend.
Pier Felice degli Uberti
President of the International Commission for Orders of Chivalry