I [name], solemnly swear to the living God, who is Father, and Son and Holy Spirit, the full Holy Trinity, the only true God, and to all that is holy for me, to be faithful until my death to the millennium old Hungary, to the idea of the Hungarian nation, to the Holy Crown of Hungary, and to the legitimate Captain General of the Order of Vitéz.
I swear to obey the statutes of the Order of Vitéz, to obey my superior officers under all circumstances, and to confront external and internal enemies for Hungary, for the Hungarian Nation, for my superiors, and the brave fellow Hungarians.
I swear to show good example to my fellow Vitéz in every matter, and to consider a sacred obligation to lead all of them on the path of patriotism and morals.
I will never deny my Hungarian identity. I am not and have never been a member of any dictatorial political party with ideas against the Nation or Christianity, nor of any secret society. So help me God!
Hear my oath, God, Lord of the War! So should I be happy as my oath is true, so bless me and punish me in my life and death, so help me or condemn me in all my descendants, that I will never break my holy oath, and will live in honour and die as a brave Vitéz!