December 19, 2023

On behalf of Our Captain General, the seat of Vitéz and officer corps, we wish a Blessed Advent, the Grace of the Christmas Mystery, and a Happy New Year to all our fellow members and friends with the words of our Spiritual Staff Captain.
Dr. Imre Vejkey, Spiritual Staff Captain of the Order of Vitéz, sends his Christmas greetings in the form of the following letter:
Dear Nemzetes Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish you a Christmas rich in grace and blessings!
May our Lord Jesus Christ set our hearts ablaze as we approach Advent of 2023 with joyful anticipation and hope!
May the Lord grant that as we adorn our homes with Christmas decorations, we also decorate our hearts! Let us adorn them for His coming!
May the Lord ensure that for us, the holiday does not signify an escape from responsibility into irresponsibility, but rather that it becomes a capital-letter CELEBRATION, a day of gratitude and sanctification!
Remember that the Celebration, including the lighting of Advent candles, offers us the opportunity for our entire lives to return to the light, to return to brightness!
Remember, the key to opening our soul’s window upward is faith! The key to being able to receive His gifts!
Remember that at the centre of the celebration should stand the one being celebrated, Jesus Christ at Christmas!
And finally, do not forget that the main role does not belong to material gift-giving but to spiritual giving, and our gift directly from the Father is the Little Baby Jesus, through whom we receive God’s love! Therefore, Christmas is the celebration of Divine love of God!
Let us rejoice that this celebration is approaching!
Let us rejoice and be grateful for it!
Let us rejoice, seeking community with Him, for then we can better rejoice with each other and enter into deeper fellowship with one another!
Finally, allow me to wish You a Blessed Christmas with the poem I wrote for this year’s Advent!
YOUR Witness, My Lord
An angelic song in the early night,
And the light of Advent already draws my being,
I feel the appeal of my heart too:
I am your witness, Lord!
I witness that there was a night,
I witness that there was no shelter but there was bread,
I witness that there was the “House of Bread,”
I witness that YOU entered into the great world!
I witness that the star appeared,
I witness that YOU are more reassuring than this light,
I witness that all this is not a tale,
I witness that YOU are His love!
I witness that everything is Yours,
I witness that this should be acknowledged,
I witness that this is the moment,
I witness that sin is already halted!
I witness that mercy is here,
I witness that there is no other refuge,
I witness that all this is not just religious knowledge,
But more, because I live here with You!