October 17, 2024

Author: Sandro Baricevic
We are excited to bring you an exclusive and behind-the-scenes account of the exquisite and prestigous annual gathering of the European and Italian nobility in the Casale Monferrato!
Il Gala della Nobiltà, an annual exquisite and prestigious event, organized by Famiglie Storiche d’Italia, Historical Families of Europe, Circolo dei Cento e non più Cento, and Istituto Nazionale per la Guardia d’Onore al Pantheon, once again brought an extraordinary blend of cultural conferences, music, and celebration of nobility and heritage in the elegant halls of the Accademia Filarmonica, at the Palazzo Gozzani di Treville in Casale Monferrato, on 12 October 2024.

The Palazzo Gozzani di Treville in Casale Monferrato
The Gala was chaired by H.E. Dr. Pier Felice degli Uberti, president of the I.C.O.C., and organized in honor of H.S.H. Prince Maurizio Gonzaga del Vodice di Vescovato. It brought together some of the most distinguished names in European nobility, including H.S.H. Prince Philipp Ernst and H.S.H. Princess Anne zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, H.R.H. King Yuhi VI of Rwanda, H.E. Dr. Vitéz Nob. Chev. Ádám Berniczei-Roÿkó de Bernicze, Deputy Captain General of the Vitézi Rend, and other members of noble families, chivalric orders, and cultural enthusiasts from across Europe.

The participants of il Gala della Nobiltà 2024, at the elegant halls of the Accademia Filarmonica at the Palazzo Gozzani di Treville, in Casale Monferrato
The rich program of the Gala featured three distinguished sections:
- A Symposium dedicated to renowned Italian poet and writer Teresa Corinna Ubertis Gray, known as Teresah
- The conclusion of the V Congresso Internazionale sulla Nobiltà, an event that had taken place in Madrid earlier in May 2024, with the screening of a documentary exposing pseudo-nobility and fraudulent chivalric orders
- An exclusive musical performance and award ceremony, followed by an elegant gala dinner
It was our distinct honor and privilege to attend this exclusive event at the invitation of its esteemed organizers. The Investiture is delighted to bring you an exclusive and in-depth behind-the-scenes account of this year’s Il Gala della Nobiltà!

The Editor of The Investiture with H.S.H. Prince Maurizio Gonzaga del Vodice di Vescovato, H.E. Dr. Pier Felice degli Uberti, President of the I.C.O.C. and H.E. Loredana Pinotti degli Uberti, President of the IAG
Commemorating the Legacy of Teresah (1874–1964)
The afternoon began with the symposium, organized by the Studium of Accademia di Casale e del Monferrato per l’Arte, la Letteratura, la Storia, le Scienze e le Varie Umanità, which celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth and the 60th anniversary of the death of the poet and writer Teresa Corinna Ubertis Gray, known as Teresah, whose life and work left an indelible mark on Italian literature.

The Symposium of the legacy of Teresa Corinna Ubertis Gray, known as Teresah
Pier Felice degli Uberti delivered a groundbreaking presentation utilizing a new genealogical technique called Deep Story, which allowed historical photographs to be animated so that Teresah herself could narrate her story. The presentation highlighted Teresah’s connection to the town of Frassineto, where her family’s tomb once stood, and her contributions to the construction of the war memorial in Piazza Capitano Severino Ubertis, made from the marble and columns of her family tomb.
Riccardo Rovere, father of the famous director and producer Matteo Rovere, shared his recollections of Teresah, having known her in her later years. He described her home, where she received guests, and spoke of the broader cultural contributions of her family.
The Rovere family had strong ties to other prominent artists of the time, including Agostina Vigliani Ravasenga, who hosted a literary salon in Borgo San Martino frequented by renowned figures such as Pelizza da Volpedo, Diego Garoglio, Salvator Gotta, Tommaso Marinetti, and Guido Gozzano, who sought treatment for tuberculosis in Casale Monferrato under the care of Professor Francesco Ubertis.
Paola Vivaldi, the author of “La meravigliosa avventura di Teresah: storia di Teresa Ubertis Gray, una grande italiana”, provided an in-depth exploration of Teresah’s cultural, literary, and philanthropic contributions, emphasizing her high level of engagement with the intellectual and artistic elites of her time. She also highlighted Teresah’s numerous charitable efforts to support the community of Frassineto Po.
Roberto Girino, representing the Accademia di Cultura Bernardino Cervis of Frassineto Po, presented at the Concorso Nazionale di letteratura e poesia ‘Premio Biennale Teresah 2025’, which was established to celebrate Teresah’s legacy and encourage young talent in literature and poetry. The competition has received significant participation from young writers over the years, further cementing Teresah’s enduring influence on Italian culture.
Concluding V Congresso Internazionale sulla Nobiltà – Exposing Pseudo-nobility and Fake Chivalric Orders
The second major highlight of the day was the screening of a hard-hitting documentary by award-winning filmmaker Luciano Silighini Garagnani Lambertini, titled Nobili Autonominati e Investiture Cavalleresche di Fantasia.

The documentary delved deep into the world of fake noble titles and fraudulent chivalric orders, a topic that has gained increasing attention in the digital age. The film, which has already garnered accolades from the Venice Film Festival, was part of the V Congresso Internazionale sulla Nobiltà, an event that had taken place in Madrid earlier in May 2024.
Luciano Silighini Garagnani Lambertini’s documentary not only shed light on the deceptive practices surrounding these false orders but also featured a series of interviews with individuals caught in the act of selling fake noble titles.
These individuals included those allegedly involved in selling “African chivalric orders” supposedly granted by non-existent kingdoms, as well as those offering “noble titles” with grandiose ceremonies in fabricated “royal” settings. The most notable scene involved a “Royal” who lamented the “buyer’s” inability to produce tens of thousands in cash, claiming it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for “the buyer” to become “Duke” and adding emotional pressure about the lost “moral value” for the buyer’s family.
During the screening, the audience was presented with multiple examples of these fraudulent practices, including documents allegedly prepared by corrupt heraldic officers and sold for high prices. The footage also contained recordings of meetings and falsified letters from high-ranking ecclesiastics dissociating themselves from the fraudulent chivalric orders, which underscored the extent to which individuals sought to exploit nobiliary symbols for personal gain.
The documentary highlighted how many unsuspecting individuals, unaware of the intricacies of nobiliary traditions, fall prey to these scams. It was a powerful call to action for those genuinely interested in heritage and nobility, emphasizing the need for authentic education and vigilance.
Luciano Silighini Garagnani Lambertini’s film not only entertained but also educated, providing an eye-opening view into the hidden world of pseudo-nobility.
The Venice Film Festival accolade was very relevant, as the documentary has already spurred public debate on the credibility of chivalric and nobiliary titles sold online, urging enthusiasts and scholars to rely on recognized institutions and commissions, such as the International Commission for Orders of Chivalry (ICOC) and the Real Asociación de Hidalgos de España, for verification.
An Award Ceremony as A Tribute to Nobility and the Arts
The evening of il Gala della Nobiltà 2024 proceeded with the festive award-giving ceremony of the VII Arena Media Star Award, by the Heritage & Tradition of Europe organization.

VII Arena Media Star Award winners, by the Heritage & Tradition of Europe organization
This prestigious award established to honor outstanding contributions to European heritage, literature, art, and culture, is a significant recognition for those dedicated to preserving the legacy of the European noble tradition. The award ceremony highlighted the excellence of emerging talents in classical music, literature, poetry, and the arts, and was attended by notable figures from the European aristocracy.
The winners, among others, included writer Gabriele Andreani, publicist Carmine Natale, pianist Angiolina Sensale, a young poet Elia Trentin, soprano Rebecca Brusamonti, and baritone Alessio Verna, each of whom showcased their incredible talent during the award ceremony.
Angiolina Sensale took the stage to perform a technically demanding piano piece, demonstrating her profound skill and musical sensitivity, Rebecca Brusamonti followed with an operatic performance that displayed her vocal range and control, leaving a lasting impression on all in attendance. Alessio Verna delivered a powerful rendition of a classic baritone aria, captivating the audience with his rich and resonant voice.
The ceremony also included remarks from representatives of Historical Families of Europe and other distinguished guests, who spoke about the importance of safeguarding Europe’s rich artistic and cultural traditions for future generations.
The audience was visibly moved by the young artists’ dedication to their craft and their commitment to preserving and celebrating the continent’s cultural heritage.
An Exclusive Cultural Discovery of a Global Importance
The conference concluded with an exclusive keynote speech and a concert, featuring the rediscovered works of Domenico Mombelli, a relative of Teresah. Musicologist and Maestro Leonardo Previero’s research uncovered these forgotten compositions, which were performed for the first time at the gala.

Maestro Leonardo Previero’ presenting his cultural discoveries
The musical program also included an unreleased piece by Giacomo Puccini, with whom Teresah had a personal connection. It was revealed that Teresah had inspired scenes from Puccini’s La Bohème. The program also featured a composition by Giacomo Rossini, discovered to have been financed by Mombelli, who was connected to prominent musical figures such as Luigi Cherubini and the Boccherini family through marriage.
The Gala Dinner Celebrating the Heritage in the Contemporary Society
The evening culminated in a glittering dinner at the elegant hall of Palazzo Gozzani di Treville. Honored guests included H.S.H. il Principe Maurizio Gonzaga del Vodice di Vescovato, head of the noble Gonzaga family, along with representatives of historic families from across Europe and beyond. Among the esteemed guests were H.S.H. Prince Philipp Ernst and H.S.H. Princess Anne zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, H.R.H. King Yuhi VI of Rwanda, H.E. Dr. Vitéz Nob. Chev. Ádám Berniczei-Roÿkó de Bernicze, Deputy Captain General of the Vitézi Rend and many others.
As the night drew to a close, the attendees of the Gala della Nobiltà were treated to a carefully selected choice of meals and wines, fostering connections among those committed to preserving the noble traditions of Europe. This memorable evening reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and celebrating the rich heritage that binds noble families and chivalric traditions.
In conclusion, the Gala della Nobiltà was not just a celebration of history, but a showcase of how modern noble families continue to honor their legacies while addressing contemporary challenges.

The Editor of The Investiture with the esteemed guests at il Gala della Nobiltà 2024
This year’s edition of il Gala della Nobiltà will be remembered for its emphasis on cultural legacy, the defense of true nobility, and a masterful exposure of fraudulent practices in the world of nobility and chivalric orders.
See you next year at il Gala della Nobiltà 2025, in Casale Monferrato!